Bambi Evaluation Plan Tool

Geographic shape defining the area of interest, which should be used for evaluation.
Geographic shape defining valid start positions for created routes.
(Optional) Geographic shape defining invalid areas (no-flight-zones) within the area of interest.

Horizontal/Vertical distance between individual grid points (default: 400.0m).
Max. distance allowed between closest start point and first route point + start point and last route point (default: 2000.0m).
Max. distance of an individual route (without start and end distance; default: 3000.0m).
Min. number of expected transects within one individual route to be valid (default: 3).
Min. number of expected transects within all routes of a valid plan (default: 40).
Min. overlap ratio of a transect with the area to be assumed as valid (default: 0.75).
Offset of the grid along the North/South Axis. Positive value moves the grid to North. Negative value to South. (Default: 0m).
Offset of the grid along the West/East Axis. Positive value moves the grid to East. Negative value to west. (Default: 0m).
Add x additional rows of grid points to the North of the flight area (useful, North-Offset is used; Default: 0).
Add x additional columns of grid points to the East of the flight area (useful, East-Offset is used; Default: 0).
Add x additional rows of grid points to the South of the flight area (useful, North-Offset is used; Default: 0).
Add x additional columns of grid points to the West of the flight area (useful, East-Offset is used; Default: 0).

Max. number of retries to create a plan, e.g. after creating an invalid plan with too few transects (default: 50).
Max. number of flights that should be generated as selection basis (default: 50).
EPSG-Code of the UTML tile. Required for calulating precise metric-distances.
Seed used to initialize the randomizer (default: empty = random).
Flag if random search should be used or sorted search based on the length of the generated sorts for selecting the final flights for the flight plan.
